Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Boxes boxes everywhere ...

... and I can't find my stuff.

When I last left this blog I was dreaming of a cute white cape with a picket fence and sunflowers.

I've been REALLY busy trying to make that dream come true. More than half of our house is packed up and everything has been painted, patched and cleaned. There are new windows and new carpet and the house is gorgeous. It finally went to market early January! Yay!

Now we just need to find a buyer.


You know what else I need to find?


In the haste to pack up the house for the real estate photos, I packed up everything that wasn't already in a drawer, including my beading supplies. My beads were nicely sorted into small boxes, then those boxes went into bigger boxes and a few ended up in even bigger boxes. You get the idea.

The other day I had to restring some pearls (they turned out beautiful, btw.) but it took me 30 minutes to find the right string, my tools, the bead board, etc. And its not just beading supplies. Everyday household tasks turn into treasure hunts. Kids! Help Mommy find the muffin pan! First one to find it gets an extra muffin!

Lets hope for a quick sale so that we can get moved into a new house before someone asks me to find the Easter decorations.