Thursday, August 15, 2013


Just wondering how many posts have started with "Welcome to my blog ...".

So here's what I'm hoping to do:

  • Create some tutorials for jewelry projects (that's what I love to do best)
  • Provide product reviews for the tools and ingredients I use in my jewelry
  • Help you avoid some of the Pinterest project fails I've run into
  • Share my friends blogs with you

How often? - we'll keep that one unanswered for now

Here's my MannyMinion


  1. It's good to Welcome folks to your blog. Looking forward to your posts. :) I'm sure it will be great!

  2. I was hoping for a minion. I am super bummed now. Good luck and I look forward to your great tutorials.

  3. Welcome to blogging!!! It's a habit you'll love. #sscnet

  4. It looks great!! Welcome to the Blog o Sphere! Can't wait to hear more from you! PS...I will be your Minion until you can find a better replacement....Bee-do-bee-do--bee-do...

  5. Happy bloggy birthday!
    psst... Turn off capcha you'll get more comments

  6. Great plan. Can't wait to see more! #sscnet

  7. You took the plunge!! It was really hard from me and pulled my hair out on some things. There is a world of info out there so if you get stuck, there are many bloggers dedicated to helping. Best of luck!! #sscnet

  8. Hey, this looks like it will be a beautiful page to follow! Love the look of it!
